Navigating our Website

Mar 16, 2022

Explore our Website!

As with many aspects of our online community, our website is kind of breaking the rules. SILVER VIXENS are playful and cheeky!!

Usually websites are built around featuring a range of products or services. Our website however, is a place to house a collection of products and services that support our community members.

So while we have some featured hair products, we also have products and services related to empowerment, or mindfulness, or vitality, or other aspects of our lives for which support is welcome.

And for some reason this is really breaking the brains of some folks who have reviewed our site.

We have some suppliers who don’t want to feature their products here because they don’t understand the site and think it has “irrelevant” content. Possibly what they have failed to understand is that this website is built around the members, not the products. It’s about YOU!

Well one of community values is Self-Assuredness. We know what the community is about and what it needs. And as a result the website reflects what is supportive of the community, not what is “usually expected” or what might be the best showcase for a particular supplier’s products.

In any case, the website is arranged around the following categories or themes.

  • Products
  • Merch
  • News
  • Silver Sass

PRODUCTS is divided up into Hair Care and Vitality. Hair Care will no doubt expand to include many diferent classes of products that solve different challenges. Vitality is also a broad term and will eventually feature many different types of products and services that support SILVER VIXENS, not just their hair.

MERCH is divided up into Clothing, Accessories, Journals and Mindfulness. Eventually Mindfulness may break out into a theme of its own depending on the breadth of the range of products and services sourced.

NEWS will feature announcements about upcoming events, live presentations and blog articles.

SILVER SASS features information about our sister FB group, how to join, and then links to products and services that relate.

Once you have a poke around you may notice some duplication. For example you will find a link to “Journals” on the Mindfulness page, as well as a direct link in the drop down Merch menu. That is because Journals are branded merch, as well as Mindfulness tools.

The website is launched but is and will remain under constant evolution, development and growth. As new products become available, new pages to feature them will be added. As current products may prove to become irrelevant over time, they will be removed.

We have so much good stuff planned that whole new sections of the website, or additional stand alone websites will be developed to house it all.

It’s going to be AMAZING!!

I am just so grateful you are coming along for the ride as we have so many cool things under development I wouldn’t want you to miss out on any of it.

We have a truly exciting future ahead of us and we are building something very special.

Let us know what you think! Get in touch through our Facebook page where you can message us with any of your comments, or simply reply to this email 🙂